It was a beautiful, Sunny, Bright-Blue day. At 9:00 a.m., my Grandfather woke me up and informed me that a plane just hit the World Trade Center. When I woke, I saw on CNN that tower 1 of the Twin Towers was in flames and had smoke pouring out of it. The very first thought to my mind was it was a terrorist attack, with a small twin engine plane. The historian in me thought to video tape history as it happened. As I went to get a VCR tape, a second plane hit Tower #2. The spectator in me wanted to see the World Trade Center in person. Sewaren, New Jersey, my hometown is on the Arthur Kill, a waterway tributary that connects to Newark Bay & New York Harbor. Right across from Sewaren, is Staten Island, New York. The Sewaren Waterfront is approximately 20 miles away from New York City. The Twin Towers are clearly visible. I took my camcorder with me and walked a few blocks to the waterfront. I looked at the towers and saw smoke billowing. What I saw was one of the most earth shattering sights that I ever saw. I was taking footage for at least half an hour. It seemed like everyone else had my idea, as half the town was on Cliff Road. At the same time, My Mother had been trying to call home from where she works in Avenel and discovered that all Cell phone service was out. I also had been listening to my Police scanner the whole time. The radio traffic from New York City Police central. (The Background Audio Is From Actual Fottage That I Recorded At The Time). as I walked up and down the riverwalk, people that were listening to their car radios had been giving me updates. I learned that the Pentagon, the largest and strongest built building in the world had been attacked with a plane. False reports had been coming in about a fire in the White House, a bombing at the capital, and the bombing of the Washington D.C. mall. Once I heard those reports, I realized That America was facing an attack that it had never faced before. We were in serious trouble. That beautiful day was now, the worst day in all of our lives. It was then, when the unthinkable happened. The towers were not as visible as they first were. Tower #2 of the World Trade Center collapsed. There was much smoke that hindered the view. Someone informed me that one of the towers did collapse. I met with my father who left work early, and brother who both came down to see the towers. My scanner was filled with frantic police officers who were doing their best given the situation. A few Minutes later, the most horrible sight and sound happened as tower #2 collapsed and became a pile of smoke and dust. The New York Police Officers at the towers were screaming for their live’s and for their fellow officer’s lives as well. The Twin Towers were no more. After a few minutes of looking on in almost a dazed state, We went home. As the day progressed, my Mother came home from work, my Grandfather was watching the news we were all glad that we were safe, But we now had to show that we are Americans and show our support As Life Will Never Be The Same.
- Click Here To See The Video I Took. -
- Fresh Kills Landfill, Staten Island, NY. Location where Debris and Rubble were Sorted. -
- Fresh Kills Landfill, Staten Island, NY. Location where Debris and Rubble were Sorted. -
Memory Of The Victims Of The World Trade Center, The Pentagon, & Flight 93
- Empire State Building -
- Tower # 2 Collapsing -
- Tower # 2 Just After Collapse, Tower # 1 Still Standing -
- Tower # 1 Collapsing -
- Tower # 1 Just After Collapse, In Dust & Ash -