Public Safety & Emergency Services
- Dedicated To All Those That have Served & continue to Serve Our Woodbridge Community -
God Bless America
Woodbridge Police Benevolent Association, local 38.
Woodbridge Township Professional Firefighters Union.
Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office
Woodbridge Fire Prevention
Woodbridge Police Department
1 Main Street Woodbridge,
N.J. 634 - 77OO
Police Director - Robert Hubner.
Deputy Police Director - Joseph Nisky.
Head Law Enforcement Officer - Chief Scott Kuzma.
Reserve/Auxilary - Chief Patrick Kenny.
PBA #38 President - James Distlecamp.
The Woodbridge Police Department consists of close to 2OO Officers & Detectives, and 2O Reserve Officers.
Woodbridge PD Provides Woodbridge Township With All Phases Of Public
Safety. Most Of The Officers Are Trained In First Aid. There Are Several Police Cars That Are Equiped With Life Saving Heart Defibralators.
In Addition To Close To 100 Cars In Their Fleet, Woodbridge Police Have 3 Dodge Durangos That Are Used For Supervisor Officers (S-1,S-2,& S-3.) The Woodbridge Police Department Also Has Jurisdiction Over Traffic Safety, Supervised by Mr. Kevin Holly. There Is A Few Vans And A Few Bucket Trucks.
The Supervisor Units were replaced in 2006 with Dodge Durango SUV's.
In 2012, The Department started using Dodge Chargers to replace some of the Ford Crown Victorias to the Patrol Fleet, as Ford Motor Company will stop making the Crown Victoria. Supervisor Vehicles are now being changed to Chevy Suburbans.
Woodbridge Police will be switching over to the Ford Interceptor in Summer 2015.
The Woodbridge Police Department Is A Federaly Acredidadted Law Enforcement Agency.
The Woodbridge Police Department Opens up A Sub - Station Inside Woodbridge Center Mall, On The Lower Level Fortunoff Wing during the Christmas Season
Almost Every Car is equipped with laptop Mobile Data Computers (MDC). This is an Intranet system that allows cars to communicate with other cars and Headquarters to communicate with cars, Vice Versa. There is alot of communications that occurs on the computers, which are used almost like a Chat, or Instant Messaging instead of over the radio. Patrol Officers can also check Warrant Databases.
The Township 9-1-1 system is based out of Police Headquarters. The Communications division, located on the ground level also dispatches assignments to radio cars and other units. The Police Department began handling all Communication for Township First Aid squads in October 2012. They may start to also handle Fire Department Communication from Fords Station - 7 in the future.
During the 2003 Mayorial campaign, Crime and the amount of officers was a major Issue. There is now a goal to increase the manpower to over 200 officers. It is definate that more cops need to be on the street in Woodbridge... Plain & Simple.
Scanner Frequencies -
Channel (1) 453.225O MHZ (Dispatch)
Channel (2) 453.2OOO MHZ (Dispatch, Car To Car Comm., Reserves, Computer Database Search, ETC.)
Channel (6) 453.75OO MHZ (Detectives, Tactical Operations)
Woodbridge Center Mall Security - 464.525 MHZ
Public Works - 46.58OO MHZ
- Scroll To The Bottom Of The Page To Read Codes That Are Used By The Woodbridge Police Department.
Woodbridge Police Patch
Lineup Of First Woodbridge Police
First Woodbridge Police Headquarters
Picture Of WoodbridgeTrain Accident
The First Woodbridge Police Officer
Woodbridge Police Baseball Team
Early Woodbridge Police Officers
Early Woodbridge Police Motorcycle Patrol
First Woodbridge Police Special Operations Unit (SWAT Team) Truck.
First Woodbridge Police Special Operations Unit (SWAT Team) Truck.
S-1 (Retired)
S-2 (Retired)
Reserve Car 89.
Reserve Car 87.
* Retired* Reserve Car 89
* Retired* Reserve Car 89
Special Operations Unit Car 77
Special Operations Unit Car 77
Special Operations Unit Car 77
Traffic Safety Van
Traffic Safety Truck 57
Auxilary Unit
Woodbridge Municipal Complex - Police Headquarters
The Bike Squad Patroling Woodbridge Center
Car 75 - A Corvette That Was Recovered From A Drug Dealer, Now Used For Something Positive - D.A.R.E (Just Say No To Drugs!!!)
Traffic Safety Unit 53
Traffic Safety Unit 56
Traffic Safety Unit 57
Traffic Safety Unit 54
Traffic Safety Unit 54
Traffic Safety Unit 54
Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management.
1 Main Street
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Township Coordinator (EM-1), (Car - 100) - Patrick Kenny.
Deputy Township Coordinator (EM-2) - Joseph Fugaro.
The Woodbridge Office of Emergency Management program formed in the 1980's, as the national "Civil Defense" system changed into Emergency Management. Robert Pedersen, a man well respected by many, was named Woodbridge Township's chief Emergency Coordinator and Communications Coordinator. The goal of Emergency Management is to provide support for the other township emergency services such as the Police, Fire Departments, and First Aid Squads. Working together with these agencies, the O.E.M. plans and mitigates any potential hazards that might occur in Woodbridge. If an emergency, or disaster occurs, OEM implements plans and provides Communication Services.
Mutual Aid Coordinator MAC-.
Robert Pederson Memorial 9-1-1/Communications Center
Woodbridge Township Community Emergency Response Team - CERT.
1 Main Street
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
CERT Coordinator - (CERT-1) - Joseph Formola, EMT-B.
Deputy CERT Coordinator - (CERT-2) - Bryan Austin.
In 2005, Woodbridge Township created their Community Emergency Response Team CERT. CERT Teams were created In every municipality, Most colleges and universities, and some businesses throughout the United States of America after President George W. Bush implemented the Office of Homeland security and Citizen Corps following September 11. The role of CERT is to provide a backup to local first responders. CERT members are given a 40-hour training course to teach them disaster Prevention, fire suppression, basic first aid treatment, search and rescue, Disaster Psychology, and radio Communication Operation. CERT teams and team members often Receive additional training and participate in drill exercises. The Woodbridge CERT team has about 45 members, is very active and considered to be one of the Highest CERT teams in the State of New Jersey.
The Township Cert will be getting its own ambulance sometime in 2012 while to perform Rehab for firefighters at fire scenes. The Ambulance, Hopelawn First Aid Squad's old FA - 10 (Woodbridge Township Ambulance and Rescue squad's FA - 21), Will be dedicated in Memory of Firefighter Bruce Turcotte, Life member of the Hopelawn Fire Department who died in the line of duty on January 20, 2012.
Frank Sutphen of the Woodbridge Police Department Traffic Safety Unit was Chosen By Woodbridge Mayor Frank G. Pelzman to organize the CERT Team in 2005 and became Team Coordinator. After Mr. Sutphen's retirement from the Woodbridge Police Department in 2007, Mayor John McCormac and Emergency Management Coordinator Patrick Kenny Chose Team Member Lowell Aube to be Team Coordinator and fellow Original Charles "Skip" Landt to be his Deputy. Lowell Aube Led the team to greatly expand its membership. A Teen CERT program was initialized for Children aged 16-18. The Team was given greater roles in incidents and special events as a Woodbridge Township First Responder agency. The CERT Team was instrumental in 2011 with Hurricane Irene and also played a big role one Year latter in the Township response to Hurricane Sandy in 2012.
Sadly, Woodbridge Township CERT lost Lowell Aube as He unexpectedly Passed away on Sunday December 29, 2019.
Joseph Formola, EMT-B, Who was serving as Deputy CERT Coordinator since 2014 was Chosen by Mayor McCormac to Take over the CERT Team.
Cert - 1 (1997 Chevrolet Suburban, Former Woodbridge Township Haz-Mat Chief's Car), Cert - 2 (2006 Ford Crown Victoria), Command Vehicle (2011 Ford F-350 Pick-Up Truck), 2 - 1999 Ford Expedition's.
The Office of Emergency Management is also in charge of manning the Township's mobile Command unit. Tac-1, is an RV equipped with an assortment of two-way radios to communicate with other agencies and municipalities.
Car - 100.
Cert Commander's Vehicle
Cert Commander's Vehicle and Equipment Trailer
Cert Commander's Vehicle and Equipment Trailer.
Cert Commander's Vehicle, Equipment Trailer, and Rehab Tent set up.
Cert - 1
Cert - 1
Cert - 1
Cert - 2
Cert - 2
Cert - 2
CERT - 6.
CERT - 6.
CERT - 6.
CERT - 6.
FA-21 CERT Rehab Ambulance.
FA-21 CERT Rehab Ambulance.
FA-21 CERT Rehab Ambulance.
FA-21 CERT Rehab Ambulance.
CERT Flood Rescue Truck.
CERT Flood Rescue Truck.
CERT Flood Rescue Truck.
CERT Flood Rescue Truck.
Cert Equipment Trailer
Woodbridge Fire Department
Chief (1-0-1) - Michael Hapstak.
Woodbridge District 1 Board of Fire Commissioners.
First Assistant Chief (1-0-2) - Brian Fee.
Second Assistant Chief (1-0-3) - Jason Ring.
President of Woodbridge Fire Company # 1 - Raymond Deliman II.
- Career Personnel -
Administrative Chief - Charles Kenny.
Deputy Administrative Chief - John Golden.
Battallion Chief, Tour 1 (Battalion - 1) - Stephen Weber.
Battalion Chief, Tour 2 (Battalion - 2) - David Hines.
Battalion Chief, Tour 3 (Battalion - 3) - Mark Minkler.
Battalion Chief, Tour 4 (Battalion - 4) - Robert Minkler, Jr.
Bureau Of Fire Prevention, Fire Official (C-5) - Captain Keith Repace.
President IAFF Local 29O - Battalion Chief David Hines.
Woodbridge Bureau of Fire Prevention.
Woodbridge Township Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 290.
The Woodbridge Fire Department Serves Both Woodbridge
Proper, And Sewaren. District 1 Is Based Up Of Resedential
Homes, Commercial Property, Oil, Petroleum, And Chemical
Manufacturing And Storage Facilities, 3 Senior Citizen
Buildings, 5 High - Rise corporate buildings, 1 Nursing
Home, One Of The Largest Shopping Malls On The East Coast.
2 Local Government Buildings, Railroads, New Jersey
Turnpike, Routes 1, 9, 35. Woodbridge Fire Has 57
Volunteers And 29 Career Firefighters In Addition To 4 Fire
Prevention Personnel.
The Woodbridge Fire Department Is One Of The Area's Finest Fire Companies.
WFD Has 3 Engines, 1 110' Ladder Truck, 1 2013 Chevy Tahoe Chiefs Car/ Incident Command. Also 2OOO Chevy
Blazer, 2005 Ford Crown Victoria,
In 2003, The Board of Fire commissioners just acquired 2 new Dodge Durango SUV's for Fire prevention. They are designated 1-32 & 1-36. 1-32 has been replaced in May 2013 with a Brand New Chevy Tahoe and the Durango was sold to Port Reading Fire Department. 1-35 Has also been replaced with a new 2005 Ford Excursion SUV to be used for the Duty Captain or Lieutenant. 1-31 was also replaced with a Chevy Tahoe (twin of 1-32) in May 2013.
Also, new Firefighters were recently hired and the position of Lieutenant was created in 2003 to expand the Career department to about 30.
Engines 1-9, 1-1O (2003 General Rosenbauer Twin Engines), 1-2 (1998 Pierce Pumper), Ladder Truck 1-2-6 (G2006 American LaFrance Arielscope Quint), Volunteer Incident Command 1-31 (2013 Chevy Tahoe), Career Duty Officer Incident Command 1-35 (2005 Ford Excursion SUV), Fire Prevention Vehicles 1-33 (2OOO Chevy Blazer), 1-34 (2005 Ford Crown Victoria), 1-32 (2013 Chevy Tahoe), 1-36 (2014 Chevy Tahoe), 1-37 (2010 Chevrolet Suburban). boat- 1.
Engine 1-9 And Engine 1-10 have Been Replaced in 2003. However the old 1-9 & 1-10 are still in service and are being used as reserve engines. The old 1-10 is now known as engine 1, or 1-1. Both engines are Held at the Old Shell Oil Firehouse at 110 State Street, Sewaren. and put into duty when needed.
Ladder Truck 1-2-5 was retired in 2005 due to long-term effects resulting from Salt Water corrossion at the Shell Fire in 1996. Truck 1-2-6, An American LaFrance Aerialscope, was delivered in October of 2006. 1-2-6 Basically changed the way The Department Operates as it is usually the first unit into a scene because it it has 5 different functions including a pumper.
Engine 1-11 was retired in early 2011 and Engine 1 is used in its place.
Engines 1-9 and 1-10 were replaced in April 2015 with Spartan ERV Engines. They were given new designations as Engine 1 and Engine 2, or 1-1 and 1-2 respectively.
Reserve Engine 1 (1987 E-One) was taken out of service in November 2013. Woodbridge Fire Commissioners voted in November 2013 to purchasing Hopelawn's engine 8-2, a 1998 Pierce to replace 1-1 or 1-11. The reserve Pumper is designated as Engine 3, or 1-3.
1-35 will be replaced in the fall of 2016.
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 477.1625 MHZ (ch 1)
FireGround - 47O.6875 MHZ (ch 5)
- Click Here For The Shell Oil Tank Fire 1996 -
The First Woodbridge Fire Headquarters
Early Station 1
Woodbridge Fire Department - 1920
Woodbridge Fire Department - 1933
Woodbridge Fire Department - 1954
Woodbridge Firehouse -1960's
"Tom & Harry" Horse Driven Pumper
First Woodbridge Firefighters
Nibsy The Fire Dog
The Carpenter Livery Stables That Housed The Horses
Woodbridge's White Fire Engine
Woodbridge's First Automotive Pumper
Woodbridge's First Pumper
Fire Headquarters 1920
Horses That Pulled The Pumper
Group line-up of Woodbridge Fire Company, before 1915. (thanks to Mr. Todd Howell, WFD)
American-LaFrance Pumper, 1st motorized piece of fire apparatus in Woodbridge. (thanks to Mr. Todd Howell, WFD)
Taken around 1918 to 1920. They still used horses to pull the fire wagon in parades.(thanks to Mr. Todd Howell, WFD)
American-LaFrance Pumper, 1st motorized piece of fire apparatus in Woodbridge. Driver is Harry B. Mawbey, 1st paid fireman in Woodbridge.
with Harry C. Turner, a fire commissioner. (thanks to Mr. Todd Howell, WFD)
Woodbridge Fire Headquarters.
Woodbridge Fire Headquarters.
Woodbridge Fire Headquarters.
Woodbridge Fire Headquarters.
Woodbridge Fire Headquarters.
Woodbridge Fire Headquarters.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
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NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
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NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
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NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 In Action.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 In Action.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 In Action.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 In Action.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 In Action.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6 In Action.
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1 and Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1 and Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
*Retired* Engine 1-9
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1. Under Construction.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1. Under Construction.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1. Under Construction.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1. Under Construction.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1. Under Construction.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-1. Under Construction.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2 and Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2 and Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2 and Truck 1-2-6 in Operation.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
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* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
* NEW * Woodbridge New Engine 1-2.
*NEW* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-3.
*NEW* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-3.
*NEW* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-3.
*NEW* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-3.
*NEW* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-3.
*NEW* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-3.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35.
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35.
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge's New Ladder Truck 1-2-6, NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35 Engine 1-10
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
NEW Woodbridge Captain's Car 1-35
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32.
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32.
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
New Fire Prevention Unit 1-32
*NEW* 1-34, Fire Official's Car.
*NEW* 1-34, Fire Official's Car.
*NEW* 1-34, Fire Official's Car
*NEW* 1-34, Fire Official's Car
*NEW* 1-34, Fire Official's Car
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-37.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-37.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-37.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-37.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-37.
*NEW* Fire Prevention Unit 1-37.
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Woodbridge Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-37
NEW Fire Prevention 1-37.
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
Woodbridge's New Engine 1-9
*Retired* Engine 1-10.
*Retired* Engine 1-10.
*Retired* Engine 1-10.
*Retired* Engine 1-10.
*Retired* Engine 1-10.
Engine 1-10.&
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
Engine 1-10 In Action.
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-10
*Retired* Woodbridge's New Engine 1-10
Engine 1-10 & Truck 1-25
*Retired* Engine 1-9
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Engine 1-10
*Retired* Woodbridge Engine 1-11
*Retired* Woodbridge Engine 1-11
*Retired* Woodbridge Engine 1-11
*Retired* Engine 1-11
*Retired* Engine 1-11
*Retired* Engine 1-11
*Retired* Engine 1-11
*Retired* Engine 1-11
*Retired*Woodbridge Ladder Truck 1-2-5
*Retired*Truck 5
*Retired* Truck 1-2-5 At Motiva Drill
*Retired* Truck 1-2-5 On Main & School Streets
*Retired* Ladder Truck 1-2-5
*Retired* Ladder Truck 1-2-5
*Retired* Ladder Truck 1-2-5
*Retired* Ladder Truck 1-2-5
*Retired* Ladder Truck 1-2-5
*Retired* Truck 1-2-5 In Arial Operation On School Street
*Retired* Reserve Engine 1-1
*Retired* Reserve Engine 1-1
*Retired* Reserve Engine 1-1
*Retired* Reserve Engine 1-1
*Retired* Reserve Engine 1-1
Lineup Of Woodbridge Firefighters
Woodbridge Ladder Truck 1-2-5 In Arial Operation In Front Of The Firehouse
1-2-5 On School Street
1-9,1-10, 1-11, 1-25, Lined Up At Station
*Retired* Chief's Car 1-31
*Retired* Woodbridge Chief's Car 1-31.
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31.
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 1-31
*Retired* Fire Prevention 1-33
*Retired* Fire Prevention 1-33
*Retired* Fire Prevention 1-33
*Retired* Woodbridge Fire Prevention Car 1-33
*Retired* Woodbridge Fire Prevention Car 1-33
*Retired* Woodbridge Fire Prevention Unit 1-34
*Retired* Fire Prevention Vehicle 1-34
*Retired* Fire Prevention Truck 1-34
*Retired* Fire Prevention Truck 1-34
*Retired* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36
*Retired* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36
*Retired* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36
*Retired* Fire Prevention Unit 1-36
Boat - 1 & *Retired* 1-34
Boat - 1
Station 1
Station 1
Station 1
Woodbridge Firemen's Memorial
Woodbridge Firefighters Fighting Shell Tank Fire
Woodbridge Firefighters Training In Texas For Petrochemical Incidents
Woodbridge Firefighters Training In Texas For Petrochemical Incidents
Woodbridge Firefighters Training In Texas For Petrochemical Incidents
Year 2001 Line Officers
Year 2000 Line Officers
Year 2000 Line Officers
Year 2000 Line Officers
Year 2001 Line Officers
*Retired* Fire Prevention 1-35
*Retired* Fire Prevention 1-35
Woodbridge Emergency Squad - Woodbridge Township Ambulance & Rescue Squad
The Woodbridge Emergency Squad Serves The Residents Of Woodbridge Proper And Sewaren Woodbridge Emergency Squad Has Recentlly Merged With The Iselin First Aid Squad To Form The Woodbridge Township Ambulance And Rescue Squad. Services Include - First Aid, Basic Life Support (BLS), Rescue.
The Hopelawn First Aid Squad Joined in late 2005.
Woodbridge Emergency Squad, Originaly Named The Woodbridge Township Emergency Squad Was Founded In 1937.
It is designated as "squad 25".
The Squad Has Several Volunteers. 7 Permanent Full-Time And 12 More Per-Diem Paid Members on the Staff
The Squad From 6: OO a.m. - 6::OO p.m. The Volunteers Staff The Squad At Night.
The Associate Membership Is For Members That Help With Squad Functions, But Do Not Participate On First Aid Calls.
Woodbridge Emergency Squad Responds To Almost 4,000 Calls A Year.
the fee for transport to the Hospital is $620.
The Woodbridge Emergency Squad Runs 3 Ambulances And 1 Heavy-Duty Rescue Truck.
The Woodbridge Township Ambulance & Rescue Squad began receiving 6 new Ambulances in late 2005 from Paul Vickery & Ossage Ambulance Company. FA-9 & FA-10 were replaced and now a part of the Township Squad. Hopelawn's FA-9 & FA-10 are now used as - FA-21 & FA-22. In 2011, one of the replaced older FA-2's was renamed FA-22. The Squad is planning on getting in 2012 2 new Ambulances that will be named FA-3 and FA-4 and will cover The Fords section.
Ambulances - FA-1, FA-2 (2-2005 Osage Ambulance), FA-7, FA-8 (2007 Osage Ambulance), FA-9, FA-10 (2- 2006 Osage Ambulance), FA-21 (1997 Horton Ambulance), FA-22 (1990 Horton Ambulance), Rescue Trucks - Rescue-1 (1984 Saulsbery Heavy Rescue), Iselin Rescue-2 G(1985 GMC Heavy Rescue).
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.7375 MHZ (ch 4)
Port Reading Fire Department
Chief (2-0-1) - Kurt Delibero.
The Port Reading Fire Department Serves Residents &
Businesses Of Port Reading. District 2 Is Comprised Of
Mostly Residential Areas, Along With The Hess Oil
Refinery, PSE&G Generating Station, 1 Rail Road Depot, And
Other Manufacturing And Storage Facilities. Port Reading
Fire Department Also Responds To The New Jersey Turnpike
And 2 Service Areas On The Turnpike. Port Reading Fire Is
Made Up Of 19 Volunteers And 9 Career Fire Fighters,
And Also 1 Fire Prevention Officer. In 2013, Hess Oil announced the closing of its refining business and the Port Reading Refinery will be closed. Hess Emergency Services Fire Brigade has been shut down. As of December 2013, Buckeye Pipeline Incorporated has purchased the facility. Port Reading Fire will be providing all fire support to the plant.
The Port Reading Fire Company Runs 3 Engines, 1 Dodge Dakota Chiefs Car/Incident Command, And 1 Ford Crown Victoria Fire Prevention unit.
Engine 2-2 was replaced in January 2008 with an E-one, from a Grant from The Prologis warehouse dock Complex on Port Reading Avenue.
Engines - 2-1 (2001 E-one Cyclone), 2-2 (2008 E-one), 2-3 (Foam Pumper), Car-2-31 (2003 Dodge Durango), Fire
Prevention - 2-36 (Ford Crown Victoria), 2-34 (2006 Ford F-series pick-up truck). Snorkel Pumper 2-3-3 was auctioned off in December 2014 to a Fire Department ion Ecuador. With The Hess Refinery closing, Port Reading Fire Department will seek some equipment from The Hess Refinery Fire Department. One Of Hess's Foam Pumpers now Belongs to Port Reading Fire with the designation 2-3.
Scanner Frequencies -
*NEW* Port Reading Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-31. *NEW* Port Reading Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-31. Port Reading Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35 Truck 2-34.
Bureau of Fire Prevention Car 2-36 Port Reading Engine from the 1950's. (Retired). Port Reading Engine 2-1 (Retired). Port Reading Engine 2-2 (Retired). Port Reading First Aid Squad
President - Rich Kreuch.
The Port Reading First Aid Squad Responds To First Aid
Calls In Port Reading. The Staff Shares The
Same Building With The Port Reading Fire Department. In 2001, An Addition was Constructed To The Front Of The Building So More Apparatus Can Fit.
The Port Reading First Aid Squad Runs 3 Ambulances And
And A Ford Excursion For The First Responder. There is a paid crew Active During The Hours Of 6:OO a.m. - 6:OO p.m. 7 Days A Week. Also, A First Responder is on Call during these hours to handle calls For Port Reading Only. This Is One Of The Best First Aid Programs In Woodbridge Township.
Port Reading First Aid was Given a new 2007 Med-tech Ambulance from a Grant from The Prologis warehouse dock Complex on Port Reading Avenue. FA-16 was put into service in The summer of of 2007. (FA-16 used to be A Woodbridge Emergency squad designation).
Ambulances - FA-14(McCoy Miller Type-3 Ambulance), FA-15 (2016 Osage Type-3 Ambulance), FA-16 (2016 Osage Ambulance), First Responder Vehicle - 14-1(2007 Ford Escape).
Scanner Frequencies -
Keasbey Protection Fire Company #1 Chief (4-0-1) - Thomas Barry IV.
The Keasbey Fire Deparment Is An All Volunteer
Department That Serves Residents, Businesses, And Industry
Of Keasbey And Hopelawn. District 4 Has A Joint Response
With The Hopelawn Fire Department. In 1997 The Keasbey Fire Department And The Colonia
Fire Department Formed A Special Rescue Unit To Handle
Heavy- Duty Rescues, And Trench/Confined Space Rescues.
Keasbey Serves Sections Of Routes 44O, 287, 9, And The
Garden State Parkway, Including The Albert Driscoll
Parkway, And Thomas Edison Route 9 Bridges That Seperate
Woodbridge And Sayreville By The Raritan River. The Keasbey Fire Department Runs 2 Engines, 1 75' Aerial
Ladder Truck, 1 Heavy Duty Rescue Truck, 1 Ford Expedition Chief's Car/Incident Command. And 1 Chevrolet
Caprice Fire Prevention Unit. Engines 4-1 (1990 Seagrave Engine), 4-2 (2004 KME Engine), Ladder Truck 4-2-4 (1975 Mack Aerial, 75' bucket ladder), Rescue Truck Rescue-4, Car - 4-31 (2013 Chevy Tahoe), Fire Prevention Vehicle - 4-36.
Scanner Frequencies -
The Current Woodbridge Emergency Squad Headquarters.
The Current Woodbridge Emergency Squad Headquarters.
Lineup Of Woodbridge Rigs
Woodbridge's New FA-1.
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge FA-1
Woodbridge FA-1
Woodbridge FA-1
FA-1 next to Carteret EMS 2
Woodbridge FA-1
Woodbridge FA-1
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2.
Woodbridge FA-2.
Woodbridge FA-2.
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA - 3. and FA - 4.
Woodbridge FA-16 & FA-1
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
*NEW* Woodbridge EMS Supervisor 25-0.
*NEW* Woodbridge EMS Supervisor 25-0.
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10) & Rescue-2.
FA-21(Old FA-10) & Rescue-2.
Woodbridge FA-16
Woodbridge FA-16
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-2
Woodbridge Rescue-2
Woodbridge Unit Responding To A Call
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances, 1939 La Salle .
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances, 1939 La Salle.
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances From 1939 La Salle.
916 West Ave. Port Reading, N.J.
First Assistant Chief (2-0-2) - Jeffrey Kotuski.
Second Assistant Chief (2-0-3) -
Career Captain (C-6) - Paul Deleo.
Career Captain (C-8) - Richart Frisch.
*Career firefighters use the designation 2-4-__.
President - John Hogan.
Fire Prevention Officer - Brian F. Small.
Woodbridge Township Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 290.
The Port Reading Fire Company Was Established In 1904. There was a Parade throughout Port Reading and Celebration at Alvin P. Williams Park to mark the department's 100 year anniversary on July 31, 2004.
The Staff Shares The Same Building With The Port Reading First Aid Squad. There Was An Addition Constructed in 2002 To The Front Of The Building So More Apparatus Can Fit.
The Brush Truck was purchased from the Avenel Fire Department. It saw little Use in Port Reading. The Board of Fire Commisioners decided to donate it to a Fire Department in Mississippi in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, where it will be of better Use.
The Port Reading Board of Fire Commissioners purchased one of Woodbridge Fire Department's Dodge Durango (old 1-32) in May 2013 to be used for Fire Prevention Detail and The Chief's Car 2-35 was replaced.
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 477.1625 MHZ (ch 1)
FireGround - 47O.6875 MHZ (ch 5)
Port Reading Engine 2-1.
Port Reading Engine 2-1.
Port Reading Engine 2-1.
Port Reading Engine 2-1.
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
Engine 2-1
Port Reading Engine 2-1
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
NEW Port Reading Engine 2-2
Port Reading Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35
Port Reading Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35
Chief's Car 2-35
Chief's Car 2-35
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
Truck 2-34.
NEW 2-34
Port Reading Foam Trailer.
Port Reading Foam Trailer.
Bureau of Fire Prevention Car 2-36
Bureau of Fire Prevention Car 2-36
Bureau of Fire Prevention Car 2-36
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35 On The Left, Fire Prevention 2-36 On The Right
Bureau of Fire Prevention Car 2-36
Engine 2-2 (Retired).
Engine 2-2 (Retired).
Port Reading Quint 2-3-3 (Retired).
Port Reading Quint 2-3-3 (Retired).
Ladder Quint 2-3-3 (Retired).
Port Reading Ladder Quint 2-3-3 (Retired).
Quint Engine 2-3-3 (Retired).
Quint Engine 2-3-3 (Retired).
*Retired* Brush Truck 2-3-4
*Retired* Brush Truck 2-3-4
Chiefs Car/Incident Command 2-35 And Pumper 2-3-3
Retired Chiefs Car
Retired Chiefs Car
Port Reading Fire & First Aid Squad Building
Port Reading Fire & First Aid Squad Building
Port Reading Fire & First Aid Headquarters
Port Reading Fire Dept. Patch
Port Reading Fire Company 100'th Anniversary Celebration, July 31, 2004
Port Reading Fire Company 100'th Anniversary Celebration, July 31, 2004
916 West Ave. Port Reading, N.J. 07064
Chief (PC-1) - Michael Barcellona.
Captain (PC-2) - Shannon Hegedus.
Assistant Captain (PC-3) - Jeff Golden.
The Squad Was Formed In September Of 1970.
Woodbridge Township Has purchased 2 new ambulances for Port Reading First Aid in May 2015 to replace FA-15 and FA-16 which were delivered in February 2016.
Alarm - 47.540 MHZ
Operations - 478.7375 MHZ (ch 4)
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
Port Reading FA-14
* NEW * Delivery of New Port Reading FA - 15 and FA - 16.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 15.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 15.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 15.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 15.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 15.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
Port Reading FA-15.
FA-14 & FA-15.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 16.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 16.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 16.
* NEW * Port Reading FA - 16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Port Reading FA-16.
NEW Commander Vehicle.
NEW First Responder Car 14-1
NEW First Responder Car 14-1
NEW First Responder Car 14-1
NEW First Responder Car 14-1
NEW First Responder Car 14-1
NEW First Responder Car 15-1
*Retired* Port Reading FA-13
*Retired* Port Reading FA-13
*Retired* First Responder Car 14-1
*Retired* First Responder Car 14-1
*Retired* First Responder Car 14-1
*Retired* First Responder Car 14-1
*Retired* First Responder Unit 14-1
Port Reading Fire & First Aid Squad Building
Port Reading Fire & First Aid Squad Building
(732) - 738-4343
420 Smith Street Keasbey, N.J. 08832
First Assistant Chief (4-0-2) - Alex Salgado.
Captain (4-C-1) - Louis Montalvo.
Fire Prevention Officer - William S. Drake.
Protection Fire Company - Keasbey FD Was Established in 1908.
Engine 4-2 was replaced in 2004 with a New KME Engine.
Rescue - 4 was Remounted and Refurbished in May 2012. The Body was put on a New KME Panther Chasis. Truck 4-2-4 will also be Refurbished with a new engine, Rebuilt Bucket ladder, and new lighting.
Keasbey Fire received a New 2015 Ford F-350 Pick - Up Truck in May, 2015.
Engine 4-1 is going to be replaced in
2016 with a Pierce Engine.
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 477.1625 MHZ (ch 1)
Fireground - 470.7125 MHZ
*NEW* Keasbey Engine 4-1.
*NEW* Keasbey Engine 4-1.
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Keasbey Engine 4-1
Engine 4-1
Engine 4-1
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2.
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2.
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2.
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2.
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey's NEW Engine 4-2
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4.
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Tower/Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Keasbey Ladder Truck 4-2-4
Ladder Truck 4-2-4
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
*NEW* Rescue - 4.
Rescue Truck - 4
Rescue Truck - 4
Rescue Truck - 4
Fire Rescue-4
Fire Rescue-4
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-31.
Chief's Car - 4-35.
Incident Command/Chief's Car 4-35
Incident Command/Chief's Car 4-35
Incident Command/Chief's Car 4-35
Incident Command/Chiefs Car 4-35
Incident Command/Chiefs Car 4-35
Engine 4-2
Engine 4-2 *Retired*.
Engine 4-2
Engine 4-2 *Retired*.
Avenel Fire Company #1
Chief (5-0-1) - Ayman Elbayer.
First assistant Chief (5-0-2) -
Second Assistant Chief (5-0-3) -
President - Frank Strain.
Fire Prevention Officer (5-3-7)- Cory Spillar
The Avenel Fire Department Protects Residents,
Businesses And Industry Of The Avenel And Eastern Colonia Sections Of Woodbridge Township. District 5 Is Comprised Of Residential Communities, But There Is Also 2 Large Trailer Courts,Commercial Businesses, Manufacturing, And Storage Warehouses, Junk Yards, And Major Sections Of Routes 1 & 9, And 35.
Avenel Fire Company Was Established In 1913.
The Avenel Fire Department Is An All Volunteer Force That Runs 4 Engines, 1 95' Ladder Truck, 1 Utility Truck, 1
Ford Expedition Chiefs Car/Incident Command Vehicle. There is Also a Ford Expedition, Dodge Durango and Ford Crown Victoria used for fire Prevention. 1 Chevy Van Used For Personnel transport. Fire Prevention Staff also Assist the Fire Department on Calls during the Daytime, until 4:30 p.m. There are 3 full-time inspectors/ Arson Investigators.
In 2006, Avenel FD got a new E-One Engine 5-1, and Ford Expedition to replace 5-31
Engines - 5-1 (2006 E-one Cyclone Engine), 5-2 (1986 E-one Cyclone Engine), 5-3 (2000 E-one Cyclone Engine), 5-4 (2008 E-one Cyclone Engine), ladder Truck 5-2-5 (1995 E-one 95' Arial), Car 5-31 (2006 Ford Expedition), Fire Prevention Vehicles - 5-37 (2012 Ford Expedition), 5-38 (2008 Dodge Durango), 5-39 (2004 Ford Crown Victoria), 5-36 (2011 CHevy 12 - Passenger Van), 5-32 (2015 Ford F-350 Super Duty Pick-Up Truck), boat-5,
Avenel Fire Company Celebrated their 100th Anniversary on June 8, 2013 with a Parade from The Fire House on Avenel Street to Merrill Park, where a large Picnic was Held.
Avenel Fire acquired a Ford F-350 Super Duty Pick-Up Truck in October 2015.
A new Ladder Truck was ordered and arrived on August 25, 2015. The new 5-2-5 is also a 95' E-One Ladder Truck.
The Board of Fire Commissioners are also getting a new Rescue Truck from E-one and a new vehicle to replace the Chief's Car. Both should arrive in the Summer or Fall of 2016.
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.5625 MHZ (ch 2)
FireGround - 47O.9125 MHZ (ch 7)
Avenel Engine 5-2 Avenel Engine 5-2 Avenel Engine 5-2 Avenel Engine 5-2 Avenel Engine 5 - 3. Avenel Engine 5 - 3. Avenel Engine 5 - 4. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. * NEW * Avenel's New Ladder Truck 5-2-5. Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5. Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's *New* Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31. Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31. NEW Avenel's New Manpower Transport Van 5-36 NEW Avenel Fire Prevention Vehicle 5-37 Fire Prevention Unit 5-38. *Retired* Avenel Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
Avenel's New Engine 5-1
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
*NEW* Avenel Rescue Pumper 5-2.
Avenel Engine 5-2
Avenel Engine 5-2
Avenel Engine 5-2
Engine 5-2
Engine 5-2
Avenel Engine 5 - 3.
Avenel Engine 5 - 3.
Avenel Engine 5 - 3.
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5-3
Engine 5-3
Engine 5-3
Engine 5-3
Engine 5-3
Engine 5-3
Engine 5-3
Avenel Engine 5 - 4.
Avenel Engine 5 - 4.
Avenel Engine 5-4
Avenel Engine 5-4
Avenel Engine 5-4
Avenel Engine 5-4
Avenel Engine 5-4
Avenel Engine 5-4
Avenel Engine 5-4
Engine 5-4
Engine 5-4
Engine 5-4
Engine 5-4
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5.
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5.
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5.
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5.
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5.
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Avenel's Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Ladder Truck 5-2-5
Ladder Truck 5-2-5 In Silouhette Of Shell Tank Fire
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31.
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31.
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31.
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31.
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5 - 31.
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
Avenel's New Chief's Car 5-31
NEW Avenel's New Manpower Transport Van 5-36
NEW Avenel Fire Prevention Vehicle 5-37
NEW Avenel Fire Prevention Vehicle 5-37
NEW Avenel Fire Prevention Vehicle 5-38
Avenel Fire Headquarters.
Avenel Fire Headquarters.
Avenel Fire Headquarters.
*Retired*Avenel Chief's Car/Incident Command 5-31.
*Retired*Chief's Car 5-31
*Retired*Incident Command 5-31
*Retired*Incident Command 5-31
*Retired* Utility 5-3-5
Van 5-36 *Retired*
*Retired* Fire Prevention Unit 5-37
*Retired* Fire Prevention Unit 5-38
*Retired* Fire Prevention 5-38
Engine 5-2 & FA-5
Avenel Firehouse - 1912
Old Firehouse
Old Engine 5-2
Old Ladder Truck
Avenel / Colonia First Aid Squad
Chief (AC-1) - Robert Snowfield.
Captain of Operations (AC-2) - Anthony Caccione.
President - Anthony Cursi.
The Avenel/ Colonia First Aid Squad Serves Residents Of
Avenel and parts of Colonia. Avenel First Aid Squad
Is Based Out On 1 Building On Avenel Street Located Next To
The Krauzurs Convenience Store. The Squad Was Founded In 1945.
50 Members Make Up The Squad.
The Avenel/ Colonia First Aid Squad Runs 4 Ambulances That Is Used For First Aid And Basic Life Support.
The Avenel First Aid Squad Is The second Busiest Squad In The Township Following Woodbridge & Iselin. The Avenel First Aid Squad Is Currentlly Searching To Hire Part - Time EMT's And First Responders To Assist In The Daytime Hours Between 6:00 a.m. And 4:00 p.m. Also, As Always Volunteers Are Needed.
The Avenel-Colonia First Aid Squad Has 2 paid crew ambulance everyday to ensure a better service during the daytime. The squad recently began operating on a Billing their patient's insurance company to in order to fund their Growing budget.
In addition to Getting a Fourth Ambulance, FA-20, Avenel First Aid Purchased a fifth Ambulance which will be used as a Rehabilitation Operations for the Avenel Fire Department. It includes a 20 x 12 tent, medical supplies, and oxygen. An addition was Built on Squad Headquarters in 2005 to house their new equipment.
Ambulances - FA-5, FA-6, FA-19, FA-20, & RH-1.
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 47.54O MHZ
Operations - 478.7375 MHZ (ch 4)
Avenel FA - 5.
Avenel FA - 5.
Avenel FA - 5.
Avenel FA - 5.
Avenel - Colonia EMS Patch
Lineup of Avenel's Ambulances - FA-5 & FA-6
Avenel FA-5
Avenel FA-5
Avenel's New FA-5
Avenel's New FA-5
Engine 5-2 & FA-5
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
*NEW* Avenel's FA - 6.
Avenel's New FA-6
Avenel's New FA-6
Avenel's New FA-6 & FA-5
Avenel's New FA-6
Avenel's New FA-6
Avenel's New FA-6
Avenel FA-6.
Avenel FA-6.
Avenel FA-6
FA-6 FA-19
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
* NEW * Avenel FA-20.
NEW Avenel FA-20.
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance.
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance.
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance.
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance.
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance.
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance
NEW RH-1 Rehab Ambulance
*Retired* Avenel FA-20.
*Retired* Avenel FA-20.
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Avenel First Aid First Responder 19-1
*Retired* Rescue-5
*Retired* Avenel's Rescue-5
*Retired* Avenel Rescue-5
*Retired* Avenel Rescue-5
Fords Volunteer Fire Department
Chief (7-0-1) - Adam Kazawic.
First Assistant Chief (7-0-2) - Gary Nebus.
Second Asistant Chief (7-0-3) - John Dimatrakis.
Career Captain (C-7) - Benny Della Pietro
President - James LaPointe.
*Career firefighters use the designation 2-4-__.
Fire Prevention Officer - Frank Della Pietro
Woodbridge Township Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 290.
The Fords Fire Department Serves The Fords Section Of Woodbridge Township In Basic Fire Fighting, Fire Prevention, And First Aid Calls. District 7 Is Comprised Up Of Residential Areas, Commercial Businesses, 2 Chemical Manufacturing Facilities, Along With Several Warehouses And Production Plants. Also Located In Fords Is Major Sections Of Route 1, 44O, 287, The New Jersey Turnpike, And The Garden State Parkway.
The Fords Fire Department Is A Volunteer Department With 9 Career Fire Fighters And Fire Prevention Personnel. Fords Fire Was Established In 1911.
In The Daytime, The Fords Fire Department Assists St. Johns First Aid Squad By Having Fire - Rescue 7 Respond To First Aid Calls By Supplying First Aid And Basic Life Support.
Also Located At The Fords Fire House Is The Dispatch & Communications Center For All Woodbridge Township Fire Departments And First Aid Squads.
Fords Fire Company Celebrated its 100th Anniversary on June 13, 2011. They had a Parade on King Georges Road passing the firehouse and New Brunswick Avenue throughout the neighborhood leading into Fords Park where a Picnic was held.
The Fords District Covers Residential Areas, 1 Seniors Residence, And Heavy - Industrial Areas, Such As 2 Large Chemical Manufactures, And Warehouses. 2 New National Corporations Just Recentlly Built Shipping Facilities In Fords. Wakenfern, Which Distributes For Shoprite And Fed Ex Ground (Formerly RPS) Built Their Largest Center In The Nation In Fords. Fed Ex Ground Lent Money To Fords Fire in 1999 To Purchase Engine 7-2.
Fords Fire Department Has 3 Engines, 1 Ladder truck, 1 Chief's Car/Incident Command, And 2 Fire Prevention Vehicles - 1 Chevrolet Caprice, And 1 Light-Utility That Is Also Used As Fire-Rescue 7.
Fords Fire has a New Pick Up Truck delivered in August 2015.
Engine 7-1 was replaced in 2011 with a Ferrera Engine as a Tribute to the 100 Year anniversary of Fords Fire Company, which was Celebrated in July 2011.
Fire Rescue 7-34 was replaced in June 2008 with Ford/PL-Custom Body.
7-35 was replaced in 2015 with a Chevy Tahoe.
Fords Fire Company became the newest Fire Department in the township to begin ladder truck operations as they received a 77' Ferrera Quint Ladder Truck in February 2016.
Engines - 7-1 (2011 Ferrera Fire Apparatus Pumper), 7-2 (1999 KME Pumper), 7-3 (1990 KME Pumper), Ladder Truck 7-2-7 (2016 Ferrera Fire Apparatus 77' Ladder Truck), Car 7-35(2015 Chevy Tahoe), Rescue Vehicle/ Fire Prevention 7-34(2008 Ford PL-Custom/Rescue-1 Rescue Body), Pick - Up Truck 7-32(2015 Ford F-350 Pick-Up Truck), Fire Prevention Vehicle 7-36(1998 Chevrolet Caprice).
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 477.1625 MHZ (ch 1)
Fireground - 470.7125 MHZ
Fords Engine 7 - 2. Fords Engine 7 - 2. Fords Engine 7 - 2. Fords Engine 7 - 2. Fords Engine 7 - 2. Fords Engine 7 - 2. Fords Engine 7 - 2. Engine 7 - 3. Engine 7 - 3. Engine 7 - 3. Engine 7 - 3. Engine 7 - 3. Engine 7 - 3. NEW Fire Rescue - 7. NEW Fire Rescue - 7. NEW Fire Rescue - 7. NEW Fire Rescue - 7.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7 - 1.
NEW Fords Engine 7-1
NEW Fords Engine 7-1
NEW Fords Engine 7-1
NEW Fords Engine 7-1
NEW Fords Engine 7-1
NEW Fords Engine 7-1
Fords Engine 7 - 2.
Fords Engine 7 - 2.
Fords Engine 7 - 2.
Fords Engine 7 - 2.
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Fords Engine 7-2
Engine 7-2
Engine 7 - 3.
Engine 7 - 3.
Engine 7 - 3.
Engine 7 - 3.
Engine 7-2 Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Engine 7-3
Fords Fire Company Engine 7-3
Engine 7-3
Engine 7-3
Engine 7-3
Engine 7-3
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7 Under Construction.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7 Under Construction.
*NEW* Fords Ladder Truck 7-2-7.
Fire Prevention/Fire Rescue 7-34, Engine 7-2 & Engine 7-3
NEW Fire Rescue - 7.
NEW Fire Rescue - 7.
NEW Fire Rescue - 7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fire Rescue-7.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
Fire Prevention Car 7-36 Engine 7-1 (Retired) In Deck Gun Operation At PMC Specialties In Fords
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7 - 35.
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Chief's Car 7-35
NEW Fords Pick - Up Truck 7-34.
Fire Prevention Car 7-36
Fire Prevention Car 7-36
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Fords Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Engine 7-1 (Retired).
Engine 7-1 (Retired).
*Retired* Fords Chief's Car 7-35
Fire Rescue-7 *Retired*
Fire Rescue-7 *Retired*
Antique Fords Fire Company Engine.
Early Fords Fire Dept.
Fords Fire Dept. - 1917
Fords Fire Dept. - 1917
Fords 50th Anniversary Beer Mug
Fords Fire DepartmentPatch.
St. John's First Aid
17 Corrielle St. Fords, N.J. 08863
President - Joseph F. Heintjes
Captain (7-5-1) - Charles Collins
Captain (7-5-2) - Shawn Matelski
1st Lieutenant (7-5-3) - Glenn Vogel Jr.
2nd Lieutenant (7-5-4) - Frank Wagner
St. John's First Aid Squad Serves The Residents Of Fords And Keasbey. The Squad Was Formed In 1943.
St. John's Is An All Volunteer Staff
That Runs 3 Ambulances And 1 Light - Duty Rescue Truck. St.
Johns Provides First Aid & Basic Life Support Services.
St. John's First Aid has begun a contracting service in 2007 with Linden EMS to help provide EMS coverage in St. John's area in the Daytime. It is designated as FA-18.
in order to improve their image as a more professional service, St. John's Changed their official name to "Saint John's Emergency Medical Services incorporated".
Ambulances - FA-3, FA-4, Rescue-3, Linden Daytime Rig FA-18
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.7375 MHZ (ch 4)
St. John's FA-3.
St. John's FA-3
St. John's FA-3.
St. John's FA-3
St. John's FA-4.
St. John's FA-4.
St. John's FA-4.
St. John's New/Remounted FA-4
St. John's Rescue-3.
St. John's Rescue-3.
St. John's Rescue-3
Rescue - 3
Rescue - 3
Old Rescue-3
*Retired*Old FA-4
*Retired*FA-18 (No Longer Used)
Hopelawn Fire Department
127 Loretta St. Hopelawn, N.J. 08861
Chief (8-0-1) - Nicholas Natole.
1st Assistant Chief (8-0-2) - Anthony Natole.
Captain (8-C-1) - Tyrone Finholt.
President - George Izzarry.
Fire Prevention Officer - Frank Dellapietro III
The Hopelawn Fire Department Protects Residents And
Commercial Property In Hopelawn. 3 Major Properties Are
The Walmart Shopping Center, Pathmark Shopping Center, And
The Home Depot. 2 Hotels and 2 new Apartment complexes were recently built within District 8 response area. District 8 Has A Joint Response With The
Keasbey Fire Department. Hopelawn Provides Fire Fighting,
And Fire Prevention. Along With Fire Services The Hopelawn
Fire Company Assists The Hopelawn Emergency Squad For First
Aid And Basic Life Support In Hopelawn. Hopelawn Has
Portions Of Route 9, 184, 287, 44O And The Garden State
Parkway Running Through It.
The Hopelawn Fire Department Has Started An Explorer Post - 8 With An Association With The Boy Scouts. Teenagers Have The Chance To Participate And Learn. When They Turn 18, They Can Go To The Middlesex County Fire Accademy To Train To Be Firefighters.
Hoplelawn Engine Company Was Established In 1914.
The HopeLawn Fire Department Has 25 Volunteer Firefighters, 12 Fire Explorers, And 3 Fire Prevention Personnel That Staff 2 Engines, 1 Heavy - Duty Rescue Truck with An Air Cascade Unit To Re-Fill Oxygen Bottles, 1 2014 Chevy Tahoe Chiefs Car/ Incident Command Vehicle, and a 2013 Chevy Tahoe for Fire Prevention.
Rescue 8 was replaced in Early 2008 with a new Rescue One, from PL-Custom inc.
Engine 8-3 was replaced in 2009 with a Pierce Engine/Pumper.
Engines - 8-2 (2014 Pierce), 8-3 (2009 Pierce), Rescue-8 (2008 Rescue One), Chief's Car 8-31 (2014 Chevy Tahoe), Auxiliary Car 8-35 (2004 Ford Excursion), Fire Prevention Car 8-36 (2013 Chevy Tahoe).
The Chief's Car has been replaced in the Fall of 2014 with a Chevrolet Suburban and re-named 8-31.
Hopelawn Fire Company Celebrated their 100th Anniversary of Service on December 3, 2014. Engine 8-2, a 2014 Pierce was delivered in November to Coincide with the Anniversary. In addition, Hopelawn Fire will be getting a new Ford Utility Pick-Up Truck in July 2015.
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 477.1625 MHZ (ch 1)
Fireground - 470.7125 MHZ
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3. NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3. NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3. NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3. NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3. NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3. NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8./a>
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8./a>
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8./a>
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8./a>
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8 NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8 NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8 NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8 Hopelawn Rescue-8 in in Operation at Township Drill. NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8 *NEW* New Chief's Car 8-31. *NEW* New Chief's Car 8-31. *NEW* New Chief's Car 8-31. *NEW* New Chief's Car 8-31. *NEW* New Chief's Car 8-31. *NEW* New Chief's Car 8-31. Auxiliary Car 8-35 *NEW* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36. *Retired* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36. *Retired* Hopelawn Incident Command/ Chief's Car 8-35 Hopelawn First Aid Squad
Captain (8-5-1) - Joseph P. Allen
The Hopelawn Engine Company First aid squad is a volunteer organization that serves the residents and businesses of the Hopelawn section of Woodbridge Township. A major part of the duty is to provide mutual-aid to nearby towns and the nearby city of Perth Amboy. There are two type-3 Ambulances on hand.
Hopelawn EMS responds to a wide range of calls from Motor Vehicle Accidents, to ordinary Medical Emergencies.
It is Unfortunate to announce that In 2005, The Executive Staff of the Hopelawn First Aid Squad decided to Merge with the Woodbridge Township Ambulance & Rescue Squad. FA-9 & FA-10 were replaced and now a part of the Township Squad. Hopelawn's FA-9 & FA-10 are now used as - FA-21 & FA-22. In 2011, one of the replaced older FA-2's was renamed FA-22. The Squad is planning on getting in 2012 2 new Ambulances that will be named FA-3 and FA-4 and will cover The Fords section.
Ambulances - FA-9, FA-1O,
Scanner Frequencies -
Iselin Volunteer Fire Company. #1 District #9
The Iselin District 9 Fire Department Serves The
Residents Of East Iselin And Menlo Park Terrace. District 9
Is Comprised Of Residential Sections, Commercial, And
Office Buildings. Iselin 9 Also Has Major Portions Of Route
1, 27, And The Garden State Parkway Running Through It.
Iselin Fire Department Has Several High Rises, The Hilton,
And Sheraton Hotels, And The Metro Park Rail Station.
The Iselin Fire Department # 1 Is An All Volunteer
Company That Has 34 Volunteers And 3 Fire Prevention
Officers. Iselin District 9 Runs 3 Engines, 1 1998 Seagrave 1OO'
Ladder Truck, 2 Utility/ Rescue Vehicles, One Of which
Provides An Air Cascade Unit For Re-Filling Oxygen
Bottles. 2 2012 Chevrolet Tahoe Chief, And Assistant Chiefs
Cars/Incident Command, 2 Fire Prevention Vehicles Out Of 2 Houses - 1 On Green Street, The Sub-Station On Kelley Street In Menlo Park Terrace.
Engines - 9-2 (2015 SeaGrave), 9-5 (Suphen), 9-6 (2008 Seagrave), ladder truck - 9-2-4 (1998 Seagrave 1OO'), Utility Vehicles - 9-33 (1995 Ford F-series with utility body), 9-35 (2010 Ford F-450 Super duty Pickup), 9-34 (Cascade and light truck), Cars 9-31, 9-32 (2012 Chevrolet Tahoe), Fire Prevention Vehicles 9-37(2014 Chevy Tahoe), & 9-38 (2003 Dodge Durango). The District 9 Board of Fire Commissioners have submitted design plans and are purchasing a new Seagrave Marauder 2 Pumper in September, 2014, which was Delivered in August 2015. The Dedication Ceremony and a Wetdown was held on Saturday, June 11, 2016.
Scanner Frequencies -
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9 - 2 Under Construction.. Engine 9-2 Engine 9-5 Engine 9-5 Engine 9-5 NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6. Iselin Utility 9-3-3, 9-2-4, & Engine Ladder Truck 9-2-4 Ladder Truck 9-2-4 Ladder Truck 9-2-4 Iselin's Cascade 9-34. Iselin's Cascade 9-34 Utility Pick-up 9-33 NEW Truck 9-35. NEW Truck 9-35. NEW Truck 9-35. NEW Truck 9-35. Fire Prevention Car 9-37 Fire Prevention Vehicle 9-38. Fire Prevention Vehicle 9-38. Fire Prevention Vehicle 9-38 *Retired* Iselin's Ladder Truck 9-2-4 Iselin Volunteer
Fire Company District #11 Chief (11-0-1) - Ryan Malheiro.
The Iselin District # 11 Fire Department Serves west
Iselin From The Rail Road Overpass To The Edison Township
Border. District 11 Serves Residents And Commercial
Businesses On Oak Tree Road, And Route 27. The Fire Company Was Founded In 1924 When There Was No Train Overpass over Green Street. The Rail road divided the districts as Western Iselin/Oak Tree Road was cut off from a passing Train.
The All Volunteer Department Has 2 Fire Houses 1 On Auth Avenue, And The Sub - Station On New Dover Road.
The Iselin Fire Department Runs 3 Engines, 2 Light -
Duty Rescue/Utility Vehicles, 1 2004 Ford Excursion
Chiefs Car/Incident Command Vehicle, 1 2005 Ford Crown Victoria, And 1 1986 Chevrolet Van For Fire Prevention Detail.
Engines 11-1(2001 Pierce), 11-2(1990 Pierce), 11-3(2015 Pierce), Rescue Truck/Utility
- 11-33/Rescue-11 (2005, 1999 EVI), 11-34 (2005 Ford Crown Victoria), 11-32 (2010 Ford F-350 Superduty Pick-Up Truck), Car 11-31(2014 Chevrolet Suburban), 1986 Chevy Van.
In 2011, District 11 recieved a 2011 Pierce Arrow XT PUC '75 aerial ladder truck, to be designated as 11-2-1.
Scanner Frequencies -
Iselin First Aid Squad - Woodbridge Township Ambulance & Rescue Squad President - Stephen Packer
Scanner Frequencies -
The Iselin First Aid Squad Serves The Residents Of
Iselin And Menlo Park Terrace. Iselin First Aid Squad Has
Recentlly Merged With The Woodbridge Emergency Squad To
Form The Woodbridge Township Ambulance And Rescue Squad.
ServicesInclude - First Aid, Basic Life Support (BLS), Rescue.
The Iselin First Aid Squad Was Founded In 1950, After It Was Realized That There Had To Be Another Squad In Woodbridge Township.
The Squad Has Several Volunteers And 2O Paid Members Staff The Squad From 6:OO a.m. - 6:OO p.m. Volunteers Run The Squad During The Night Hours. The Iselin
First Aid Squad Runs 3 Ambulances And 1
Heavy-Duty Rescue Truck. Ambulances - FA-7, FA-8, Rescue Truck -
Rescue -2, The Woodbridge Township Ambulance & Rescue Squad began receiving 6 new Ambulances in late 2005 from Paul Vickery & Ossage Ambulance Company. FA-9 & FA-10 were replaced and now a part of the Township Squad. Hopelawn's FA-9 & FA-10 are now used as - FA-21 & FA-22. In 2011, one of the replaced older FA-2's was renamed FA-22. The Squad is planning on getting in 2012 2 new Ambulances that will be named FA-3 and FA-4 and will cover The Fords section.
Ambulances - FA-1, FA-2 (2-2005 Osage Ambulance), FA-7, FA-8 (2007 Osage Ambulance), FA-9, FA-10 (2- 2006 Osage Ambulance), FA-21 (1997 Horton Ambulance), FA-22 (1990 Horton Ambulance), Rescue Trucks - Rescue-1 (1984 Saulsbery Heavy Rescue), Iselin Rescue-2 G(1985 GMC Heavy Rescue).
Lineup of Iselin Rigs
Colonia Volunteer Chemical Hook and Ladder Company
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
*NEW* Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
Hopelawn Engine 8-2.
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2
Engine 8-2
Engine 8-2
Engine 8-2
Engine 8-2
Engine 8-2
Hopelawn Engine 8-2 Being Blessed
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
NEW Hopelawn Engine 8-3.
Engine 8-3
Engine 8-3
Hopelawn Engine 8-3 in Hydrant operation
Engine 8-3
Engine 8-3 In Deck Gun Operation At PMC Specialties In Fords
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
NEW Hopelawn Rescue-8
Auxiliary Car 8-35
Auxiliary Car 8-35
Auxiliary Car 8-35
Auxiliary Car 8-35
Auxiliary Car 8-35
*NEW* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*NEW* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*NEW* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*NEW* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*Retired* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*Retired* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*Retired* Hopelawn Fire Prevention 8-36.
*Retired* Hopelawn Fire Prevention8-36.
*Retired* Chief's Car 8-35
*Retired* Chief's Car/Incident Command 8-35
*Retired* Chief's Car/Incident Command 8-35
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 8-35
Hopelawn Fire Prevention Car *Retired*
Antique Hopelawn Engine 8-3 *Retired*
Antique Hopelawn Engine 8-2 *Retired*
Rescue/Cascade Truck, 8-34 (Retired).
8-34/Rescue-8 (Retired).
8-34/Rescue-8 (Retired).
Utility 8-34/ Rescue-8 (Retired).
244 South Charles St. Hopelawn, N.J. 08861
Assistant Captain (8-5-2) - Mark J. Minkler
1st Lieutenant (8-5-3) - Shauna Marie Zelenak
2nd Lieutenant (8-5-4) - William Hegedus
Duty Officer (8-5-5) -
President - Joseph P. Allen
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ/47.540 MHZ
Operations - 478.7375 MHZ (ch 4)
Woodbridge's New FA-1.
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA - 3. and FA - 4.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge EMS Supervisor 25-0.
*NEW* Woodbridge EMS Supervisor 25-0.
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
FA-21(Old FA-10) & Rescue-2.
FA-21(Old FA-10) & Rescue-2.
Woodbridge Rescue-2
Woodbridge Rescue-2
*Retired* FA-9
*Retired* FA-9
*Retired* Hopelawn FA-10
*Retired* Hopelawn FA-10
*Retired* FA-10
*Retired* FA-10
*Retired* FA-10
*Retired* FA-10
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances, 1939 La Salle .
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances, 1939 La Salle .
1222 Green St. Iselin, N.J. 08830
100 West Kelly St. Menlo Park Terrace. N.J. 08840
Chief (9-0-1) - R.J. McPartland.
First Deputy Chief (9-0-2) - Brian Bennett.
Second Deputy Chief (9-0-3) - Kenneth Creighton.
President - (9-38) Kevin Wertz.
Fire Prevention Officer - Perry Penna.
The Iselin District 9 Fire Company Also Began An Explorer Post That Teens Can Learn To Fight Fires And Help Out The Fire Company.
Chief and Deputy Chief Cars were replaced in November 2012 with Chevrolet Tahoes.
Iselin Fire Company Just Replaced Engine 9-6 with a New Seagrave. A Wetdown was held On June 7, 2008.
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.5625 MHZ (ch 2)
Fireground - 470.9375 MHZ
Engine 9-2
Engine 9-2
Engine 9-2
Engine 9-2
Engine 9-2
Engine 9-2 Connected To A Hydrant
Engines 9-2 & 9-6
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Engine 9-5
Iselin Engine 9-5
Utility Truck 9-34 & Engine 9-5
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
NEW Iselin's NEW Engine 9-6.
Engines 9-6 In Hydrant Operation
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Ladder Truck 9-2-4
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Iselin's Cascade 9-34
Cascade 9-34
Utility Truck 9-34
Utility/ Air Cascade Truck 9-34
Utility/ Air Cascade Truck 9-34
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31.
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31.
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31.
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
*NEW* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
Chief's Car 9-31
Chief's Car 9-31
Chief's Car 9-31
Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
Chief's Car 9-31
Chief's Car 9-31
Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
Chief's Car 9-31 & 9-32.
Chief's Car 9-31 & 9-32.
*Retired* Iselin Chief's Car/Incident Command 9-31
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32.
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32.
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Iselin Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Assistant Chief's Car 9-32
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
Utility Pick-up 9-33
NEW Truck 9-35.
NEW Truck 9-35.
Fire Prevention Vehicle 9-38
Fire Prevention Vehicle 9-38
Fire Prevention Vehicle 9-36
*Retired* Iselin's Ladder Truck 9-2-4
9-33, 9-31, & 9-36
Insignia of Iselin Fire Company #1
Iselin Fire Dep. Patch
20 Auth Ave. Iselin, N.J. 08830
1st Asst. Chief (11-0-2) - Nicholas Farese.
2nd Asst. Chief (11-0-3) - Joseph FranCisquini
President - Mark Farese.
Fire Prevention Officer (11-34) - Heldge Nordeviet
Engine 11-3 was Replaced in May 2015 with a Pierce XT and Rescue 11 will be getting replaced in late 2015.
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.5625 MHZ (ch 2)
Fireground - 470.9375 MHZ
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11-1
Engine 11 -1
New Engine 11-1
Iselin 11-1
Iselin's New Engine 11-1
*Retired* Engine 11-1
Engine 11-2
Engine 11-2
Engine 11-2
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
NEW - Iselin's Engine 11-3.
Iselin's Engine 11-3
Iselin's Engine 11-3
Iselin's Engine 11-3
Iselin's Engine 11-3
Iselin 11-3 Connected To The Hydrant
Engine 11-3
Engine 11-3
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1./a>
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1./a>
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1./a>
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1./a>
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1./a>
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
NEW Iselin District 11's New Ladder Truck 11-2-1
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31.
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31.
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31.
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31.
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31.
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31
Iselin's New Chief's Car 11-31
*Retired* Chief's Car/Incident Command 11-31
*Retired* Chief's Car/Incident/Command 11-31
*Retired* Chiefs Car/Incident Command 11-31
*NEW* Rescue 11.
*NEW* Rescue 11.
*NEW* Rescue 11.
*NEW* Rescue 11.
*NEW* Rescue 11.
Utility/ Rescue 11-33 .
Utility/ Rescue 11-33 .
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Rescue 11
Utility/ Rescue 11-33
Iselin Rescue-11
Iselin Rescue-11
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
NEW Iselin Twin Cab F-350 Pick-Up Truck 11-32.
* NEW * 11-34 Fire Prevention Vehicle.
* NEW * 11-34 Fire Prevention Vehicle.
11-34 Fire Prevention Vehicle.
477 Lincoln Highway Iselin, N.J. 08830
Chief (25-1) - John Careccia.
Captain (11-5-1) - Daniel Trisker
Captain (11-5-2) - Peter Rebovich
Alarm - 47.540 MHZ
Operations - 478.7378 MHZ (ch 4)
Woodbridge's New FA-1.
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
Woodbridge's New FA-1
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
* NEW * Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
Woodbridge FA-2
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-3
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA-4.
*NEW* Woodbridge FA - 3. and FA - 4.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7.
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-7
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Iselin FA-8
Iselin FA-8
Iselin FA-8
Iselin Ambulances 7 & 8
NEW Iselin FA-8
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9.
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-9
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-10
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge FA-22
NEW Woodbridge EMS Supervisor 25-0.
*NEW* Woodbridge EMS Supervisor 25-0.
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
FA-21(Old FA-10).
Woodbridge Rescue-1
Woodbridge Rescue-1
FA-21(Old FA-10) & Rescue-2.
FA-21(Old FA-10) & Rescue-2.
Woodbridge Rescue-2
Woodbridge Rescue-2
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances, 1939 La Salle .
One of Woodbridge Emergency Squad's Very First Ambulances, 1939 La Salle
*Retired* FA-13
Iselin Rescue-2
250 Inman Ave. Colonia, N.J. 07067 >
Chief (12-0-1) - Vincent Perreira.
1st. Asst. Chief (12-0-2) - Frank Polizzi.
2nd Asst. Chief (12-0-3) - Michael Polizzi.
Fire Prevention Officer - Bill Schleck
Company President - Randy Garrett.
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.5625 MHZ (ch 2)
Fireground - 470.9375 MHZ
The Colonia Volunteer Fire Department Serves The Residents Of The Colonia Section Of Woodbridge Township. District 12 Is Made Up Mostly Of Residential Areas, But There Is 2 Business Areas In Colonia, - Route 27, And Inman Avenue. There is also quite an extensive Estate section of Colonia with large h ouses & Properties.
The All Volunteer Department Runs 3 Engines, 1 Of Which Is Also Used For Heavy-Duty Rescue, A 95' Ladder Truck, 2 Utility, Vehicle, And 1 Ford Expedition Chiefs Car/ Incident Command.
The Colonia Fire Department Joined Forces With The Keasbey Fire Department To Create A Special Rescue Unit For Heavy- Duty And Confined Space/ Trench Rescue.
The Colonia Fire Department Was Established In 1942.
Engines 12-1(1993 E-one Rescue Pumper with rescue tools), 12-2(2014 E-One Pumper), 12-3(2003 E-One Pumper), 12-6(1942 Mack Pumper), ladder truck - 12-2-1(1999 American LaFrance 95' Mid-Mount Aerial Scope), Rescue Car 12-34 (2001 Dodge Ram 3500 Pick-Up Truck, 20' Special Operations Trailer, Chief's Car 12-31 (2006 ford Expedition), Fire Prevention Car 12-33(2004 Ford Expedition), Utility Vehicle 12-32(2004 Ford Excursion), 12-35(1998 Ford Expedition).
Colonia replaced Engine 12-2 in the Fall of 2014 with an E-One Pumper.
The Department is having a new Engine built to replace 12-1 sometime in late 2016.
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.5625 MHZ (ch 2)
Fireground - 470.9125
*NEW* Colonia Engine 12-1.
*NEW* Colonia Engine 12-1.
Colonia Engine 12-1.
Colonia Engine 12-1.
Colonia Engine 12-1
Colonia Engine 12-1
Colonia Engine 12-1
Colonia Engine 12-1
Colonia Engine 12-1
Engine 12-1
Engine 12-1
Engine 12-1
Avenel Engine & Engine 12-1
Engine 12-1
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
NEW Engine 12-2.
Engine 12-2
Engine 12-2
Engine 12-2
Engine 12-2
Engine 12-2
Engine 12-2
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12 - 3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12 - 3.
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Colonia Engine 12-3
NEW Engine 12-3
NEW Engine 12-3
NEW Engine 12-3
*Retired* Engine 12-3
Colonia's 1943 Engine 12 - 6.
Colonia's 1943 Engine 12 - 6.
Colonia's 1943 Engine 12 - 6.
Colonia's 1943 Engine 12-6
12-6 Colonia's Antique Engine frome 1943. Still in Service!!!
Engine 12-6
Colonia Engine 12-6
Colonia Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Colonia Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Colonia Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Colonia's Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Colonia Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Truck 12-2-1
Ladder Truck 12-2-1
Ladder Truck 12-2-1
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
NEW Colonia Rescue 12.
Colonia Special Operations Pick-Up Truck 12-34.
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer 12-34
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer 12-34
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer 12-34
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer 12-34
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer 12-34
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer
Colonia Special Operations Rescue Trailer
NEW Chief's Car 12 - 31.
NEW Chief's Car 12 - 31.
NEW Chief's Car 12 - 31.
NEW Chief's Car 12 - 31.
NEW Chief's Car 12 - 31.
NEW Chief's Car 12 - 31.
NEW Chief's Car 12-31
NEW Chief's Car 12-31
NEW Chief's Car 12-31
NEW Chief's Car 12-31
NEW Chief's Car 12-31
Chief's Car 12-31
Chief's Car 12-31
Colonia Chief's car/ Incident Command 12-31
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-32
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-32
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-32
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-32.
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-32.
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-32.
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-35.
NEW Utility Vehicle 12-35.
Fire Prevention 12-32 *Retired*.
Utility Vehicle 12-33
Colonia Fire Prevention Vehicle
Engine 12-1 & St. John's FA - 3
Ladder Truck 12-2-1, FA-11, FA-12, & FA-17
Colonia First Aid Squad - District #12
P.O. Box 217 Colonia, N.J. 07001
President - Laura Higgins.
Business Director - George Reilly.
Captain - Jeff Schott. (12-51)
First Lieutenant - Steve Sexton. - (12-52).
The Colonia First Aid Squad Serves Residents Of The Colonia Section Of Woodbridge Township. Colonia First Aid Provides First Aid, And Basic Life Support For Colonia.
The All Volunteer Staff Runs 3 Ambulances.
Colonia Has Paid Staff To Run Rigs During The Daytime Hours, 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
The Colonia Fire Department now Supports the First Aid Squad and the Squad is Now a division of the fire department.
Ambulances - FA-11, FA -12, FA -17
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 47.54O MHZ
Operations - 478.7375 MHZ (ch 4)
NEW Colonia FA-11./a>
NEW Colonia FA-11./a>
NEW Colonia FA-11./a>
NEW Colonia FA-11./a>
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
NEW Colonia FA-11
*Retired* FA-11
Colonia FA-12
Colonia FA-12
Colonia FA-12
Colonia FA-12
Colonia FA-12
Colonia FA-12
Colonia FA-12
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
*NEW* Colonia FA - 17.
Colonia FA - 17.
Colonia FA - 17.
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
FA-12 FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
Colonia FA-17
*Retired* Colonia FA-11
*Retired* FA-11
*Retired* FA-11
Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management
1 Main Street
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
Township Coordinator (EM-1) - Patrick Kenny
The Woodbridge Office of Emergency Management program formed in the 1980's, as the national "Civil Defense" system changed into Emergency Management. Robert Pedersen, a man well respected by many, was named Woodbridge Township's chief Emergency Coordinator and Communications Coordinator. The goal of Emergency Management is to provide support for the other township emergency services such as the Police, Fire Departments, and First Aid Squads. Working together with these agencies, the O.E.M. plans and mitigates any potential hazards that might occur in Woodbridge. If an emergency, or disaster occurs, OEM implements plans and provides Communication Services. The Office of Emergency Management is also in charge of manning the Township's mobile Command unit. Tac-1, is an RV equipped with an assortment of two-way radios to communicate with other agencies and municipalities.
Woodbridge Township Mutual Aid Coordinators.
Mutual Aid Coordinators (MAC) are paged whenever there is a working structure fire, or large fire where additional fire resources (apparatus & manpower) are needed.
They assist Fire Command and Determine the Fire Company's Assignments.
MAC-1 - Bruce Turcotte
Woodbridge Township Hazardous Materials Response Unit
Woodbridge Township Haz - Mat Responds To All - Level Hazardous Materials Incidents Throughout Woodbridge Township, Except District 1. Disrict 1O Is Staffed By 2O Volunteers.
The Force Has 3 Units. - 1 Heavy - Duty Rescue Truck, 1 Spill Truck And 1 Chevrolet Surburban Chiefs Car/ Incident Command.
1O -3-1, 1O -3-3, 1O -3-2,
Scanner Frequencies -
Alarm - 33.82O MHZ
Operations - 478.9125 MHZ (ch 11)
Middlesex County Hazardous Materials Response Team
Woodbridge Police Codes -
2 - Local Background Check On Person
3 - NCIC (National Criminal Information Center) Check
4 - Meal Break
5 - Okay
6 - Repeat Your Message
7 - In Service, Or On Scene
8 - Out Of Service
9 - Backup
10 - Tow Truck
11 - EMS
14 - Fire Department
16 - Car Wash
22 - 911 Call
23 - Criminal Mischief
24 - Alarm
25 - Funeral Procesion
27 - Return To Headquarters
28 - Landline (Telephone Call)
29 - Location
31 - Incident Report
32 - Transport
33 - Group Loitering
34 - Motor Vehicle Accident
35 & James - Reo Diner
36 - Domestic Violence
37 - Intoxicated Person
39 - Assault
40 - Break-In
41 - Hold-Up
42 - Burglary
44 - Assist Citizen
45 - Stolen Car
46 - Fire
50 - Gas Up
340 - Suspended Liscence
450 - Drunken Driver
915 - Special Check On Area
Section 8 - Mental Disorder
ACS & ATS - Are searches For County and Town Criminal and Traffic Warrants on An Individual
BOLO - Be On The Lookout
Hit - Confirmation On Wanted Person, Or Car.
Cars 1 - 29 Are Regular Black & White Radio Patrol Cars, Although Some Of The Lower Cars May Be Sergeants and Lieutenants.
S1 & S2, S2, Or Sierra 1, Sierra 2, & Sierra 3 Are Supervisor Units. 1998 Ford Expiditions.
B, Or Bravo Units Are The Bicycle Patrol.
Cars 30 - 39 Are Detective Units.
Cars 40 - 49 Are Narcotics/ Major Crimes Units
50 Units Belong To The Traffic Safety - Repairing Lights, Street Signs, Barricades, Shutting Down Roads, ETC.
Cars 70 - 79 Are Patrol Cars And DWI Patrol Cars.
Cars 80 - 89 Are Reserve Patrol Cars.
Cars 90 - 99 Are For Captains.
BLS - Basic Life Support (A Regular Ambulance)
ALS - Advanced Life Support (Paramedics, MICU, MERCY-9, MEDIC-10, ETC.)
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician (In NJ, Requirements Are 120 Hours Of Training. EMT-B Are Basic EMT, EMT-D Is An EMT Trained To Use A Defibrillator.)
First Responder - A Single Person Trained To Respond To Medical Emergencies.
Rig/Bus - Ambulance
RMA - Refuses Medical Assistance.
GOA - Gone On Arrival
GSW - Gun Shot Wound
MI - Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
Syncope {SIN-CU-PEE}, Syncopal Episode - Pass-Out
AED - Automatic External Diffibrilator
MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident
ETH - Alcoholic/Psyciatric
EDP - Emotionally Distraught Person
CVA - Cerebral Vascular Accident/Stroke
O2 - Oxygen
Code/D.O.A. - Cardiac Arrest, Deceased On Arival
ME - Medical Examiner
All Woodbridge Township Emergency Services (Police, Fire, EMS) are controlled through The CAD (computer aided dispatch) System between Police Headquarters and Fords Station 7. The Status of every Unit is always kept in the CAD. Data is sent between Police Headquarters & Station 7 to share information. The firehouses & squad buildings also have CAD's to alert personnel of calls.
On the downside, Even though the systems have recentlly been upgraded, the system doesn't work as much as it does work.
Woodbridge Police's CAD is in-line with the New Jersey Department of Motor Vehicles, National Crime Information Center, and State Crime Information Center, as well as other agencies. In addition, most cars have Mobile Data Terminals (MDT's) to access much of this information.
Vehicles are Equipped with Status Head buttons on their Mobile Radios. The Personnel press these buttons ant you hear a Chirp like sound.The Status buttons are rarely used.
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