Avenel, Section Of Woodbridge Township, N.J.
- Zip Code - 07001
- Statistics & Facts
- The population of Avenel is approximately 15504.
- The approximate number of families is 5041.
- The amount of land area in Avenel is 8.914 sq. kilometers.
- The amount of surface water is 0.053 sq kilometers:.
- The distance from Avenel to Washington DC is 189 statute miles. The distance to the New Jersey state capital is 35 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
- Avenel is positioned 40.58 degrees north of the equator and 74.27 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Avenel seperates Woodbridge Township from the City of Rahway, which is in union county. several highways run through avenel. u.s. routes 1 & 9 run right in the middle of avenel, while state highway 35 (st. georges avenue) is on the western border that seperates avenel from the colonia secionof woodbridge. n.j. transit has a train station right in the middle of avenel street between rahway avenue, and route 1 & 9.
avenel is the home to many large corporations such as path mark grocer, and white rose food products. other large corporation are located in aenel, such as, general dynamics, proctor and gamble ovenite trucking. p q corporation, and amerex, just to name a few.
avenel has 2 elementry schools. and 1 middle school. woodbine avenue school # 23, and school # 4 & 5 on avenel street. avenel middle school is on woodbine avenue. high school students attend colonia high school.
avenel is protected by the district # 5 avenel volunteer fire company, as well as the avenel - colonia first aid squad.
avenel was once refered as "demarest on the hill" because captain demarest, a war hero had owned a large piece of property in avenel. avenel is named after avenel demerest, the daughter of captain demerest.