Colonia Section Of Woodbridge Township, N.J.
- Zip Code - 07067
- Statistics & Facts
- The population of Colonia is approximately 18238.
- The approximate number of families is 6209.
- The amount of land area in Colonia is 10.107 sq. kilometers.
- The amount of surface water is 0.019 sq kilometers:.
- The distance from Colonia to Washington DC is 188 statute miles. The distance to the New Jersey state capital is 34 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
- Colonia is positioned 40.59 degrees north of the equator and 74.31 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Colonia is the Northern - most section of Woodbridge Township. Colonia is reguarded as a primarily residential community. colonia has 2 state highways running through it. route # 27, and route # 35 (st. georges avenue) run parrallel with each other on the eastern border of colonia. the garden state parkway also has a small section that runs through colonia with a rest area on the northern border.
the well - to - do community is mostlly known for it"s estates section that has luxorious houses throughout it.
colonia has 1 high school, 1 middle school, and 4 elementry schools. colonia high school is on east street. colonia middle school is on delaware avenue. school # 2O is on claremont avenue, oak ridge heights school # 21 is on inman avenue. lynn crest school # 22 is on carson street. school # 27 is on pennsylvania avenue.
colonia is protected by the district # 12 colonia volunteer fire department, and the colonia first - aid squad.
colonia was once the site of one - of - the most up to date hospitals, which was on the old freeman estate. . this dr. fred a. albee, a famed orthopedic surgeon was the civilian to organize a general hospital. this hospital was a major hospital that treated many world war I soldiers & veterans. colonia had a few different names. spanktown, new dover, or dumplingtown, and haughtonville. a wealthy family named the cones owned large pieces of land in colonia. elizabeth cone, the hostess of the cone house said that the area was a "precious place, but with a pitful name" she said that it sounded like hungry dogs. the cones chose the name colonia from symbolism of letters. -
- the interest of beauty more than business. art, culture, and creativity are more important than other things.