Fords Section Of Woodbridge Township
- Zip Code - 08863
- Statistics & Facts
- The population of Fords is approximately 14392.
- The approximate number of families is 5644.
- The amount of land area in Fords is 6.713 sq. kilometers.
- The amount of surface water is 0.01 sq kilometers:.
- The distance from Fords to Washington DC is 186 statute miles. The distance to the New Jersey state capital is 32 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
- Fords is positioned 40.54 degrees north of the equator and 74.31 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Fords is on the Southern side of Woodbridge Township. it seperates Woodbridge Township from Edison Township. fords has major highways running throuh it such as us route # 1, state highway 184, the new jersey turnpike, and the garden state parkway. the turnpike, and park way both intersect in fords, which is the only intersection of the 2 in the whole state of new jersey. the new jersey turnpike has an interchange in fords. interchange 11, which is located off of king georges road.
fords has a downtown shopping district which is new brunswick avenue, and also a portion of king georges road. the industrial area in fords has many large businesses in it. pmc specialties, hatco chemical. 2 new large businesses have just built new buildings in fords roadway packaging services, which is a shipping company, and the taj mahal is a new hotel that is on king georges post road.
fords has 1 middle school, and 2 elementry schools. fords middle school is on fanning street, which is off of ford avenue. school # 14 is on the corner of ford avenue, and main street. lafayette estates school # 25 is on ford avenue behind the kensington gardens apartments. high school students attend woodbridge high school.
fords is protected by the district # 7 fords volunteer/ paid fire department. ems calls are handled by st. john"s first aid squad.
in the 17OO" s, when woodbridge township was being developed the area where fords is was reffered to as mutton hollow, or slingtale. a family by the name of the fords where some of woodbridge townshis first settlers. john ford is said to have settled as early as 1686. the ford family resided on flat, fertile land near where the old amboy turnpike(now new brunswick avenue), and the wodbridge turnpike (now king georges road) intersected. for many years it was known as ford"s corners, but now the town is refered to as fords.